Shimon Peres one time President and twice Prime Minister of Israel is dead at the age of 93.  Born in 1923 in Wisniew, Poland, now Vishnyeva Belarus. He was first elected to the Israeli Paliament (Knesset) in 1959. He served in 12 governments. He is seen as a hawk in his early years as he negotiated arms deals for the Israeli nation. He set up Israeli secret nuclear facility. Shimon was defense minister in 1976 when Palitinian hijackers diverted a plane from Israel to Entebbe in Uganda in which 100 were rescued. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Price in 1994 with the late Prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat the late Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO).  He suffered stroke two weeks ago, while his condition was said to be improving but nose dived on Tuesday. His death which was announced by his son Chemi, said his father was (One of the founding fathers of the state of Israel and worked Tirelessly for the nation. Some described Shimon Peres as a 'genius with a big hearth, man of Peace and immense source of Inspiration. Israeli media said that his Coffin will lie in state at the Knesset on Thursday ahead of Friday funeral. President Obama described him as "the essence of Israel itself"  Former America President Bill Clinton and wife said " they had lost a true and treasured friend" The world will miss this peace loving man. Rest in Peace Shimon Peres.


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