Pope Francis (C) waves to faithful as he leaves after a Holy Mass and the canonization of Mother Teresa of Kolkata, on Saint Peter square in the Vatican, on September 4, 2016. Mother Teresa, the nun whose work with the dying and destitute of Kolkata made her a global icon of Christian charity, was made a saint on September 4, 2016. Her elevation to Roman Catholicism’s celestial pantheon came in a canonization mass in St Peter’s square in the Vatican that was presided over by Pope Francis in the presence of 100,000 pilgrims. ANDREAS SOLARO / AFP Pope Francis on Sunday proclaimed Mother Teresa of Kolkata a saint, hailing her as the personification of maternal love and a powerful advocate for the poor. “We may have some difficulty in calling her ‘Saint’ Teresa,” the pontiff said. “Her holiness is so near to us, so tender and so fruitful that we continue to spontaneously call her Mother.” He added: “She made her voice heard before the powers of this world, so that they might re...