Celebration Of Life, Of Aretha Franklin Queen Of Soul In City of Detroit USA.

Celebration of life! Of the Queen of soul music! Aretha Franklin who died on 16th of August 2018 in Detroit. She gave 60yrs of her life uplifting lifes through her music. She was described as warm, funny and a lover of life. She sang for Freedom marches during Martin Luther King Jr. Was also there in his funeral. Her music cuts across many types of music making her the first woman to be inducted into the Rock music Hall of Fame. Aretha was also the first to hit the 100million Billboard record sales. A daughter of a pastor. Broke every barrier to be a self made Queen. She was a great philanthropic as she touched the life's of many gospel singers and musicians. She sang at Bill Clinton inauguration as well as Barrack Obama's inauguration. She received the greatest American honour for her diversification in music. Barak Obama sent in a letter which was read in honor of Aretha. The young, old, some on wheelchairs came out today to honor a woman who from 4yrs started...