World Celebrates International Day Of The Girl Child. "EmPOWER girls: Before, during and after conflict "

Happy International Day Of The GIRL Child. Today is the sixth annual IDG as it was started by UN in 2012. It was created to highlight the inequalities that girl child still faces around the world. It has been estimates that there are Four Million girls out of school than boys globally according to UNESCO two-thirds of illiterate people in the world are women and girls. It was also a fact girls between ages 15-24 in developing nations never completed primary school. Is also a day to celebrate girl child who are smart and capable. Girls who are funny and interesting. Given the chance the girl child can change the world despite everything that tends to keep them down. This year theme is "EmPOWER girls: Before, during and after conflict ". We must say NO to Girls Sexual and Physical Violence, Child Marriage, Exploitation and Child Trafficking". We must promote girls by Empowering and by Fulfilling their Human Rights. Attention is drawn globally to the challenges and opport...